On August 31st, Ann Coulter wrote an excellent column explaining how the media, especially the Washington Post, has been deliberately dishonest in claiming that Donald Trump mocked a New York Times reporter’s disability. In her column she generously cites to previous articles Catholics 4 Trump has written on this issue. She also mentions that a comment we submitted in response to an August 10th Washington Post story on the subject by Callum Borchers was mysteriously deleted. After discovering this, we decided to take apart Borchers’ dishonest piece point by point on our own site on August 15th. You can read it here: Washington Post Deletes Video Evidence Showing Trump Didn’t Mock Reporter’s Disability
Imagine our surprise when, lo and behold, the day after Coulter released her latest column, WaPo writer, Callum Borchers wrote yet another dishonest piece trying to defend himself, his fellow media, and his candidate Hillary Clinton from Coulter’s charges. Oh, if we only had a friend as loyal as Mr. Borchers.
Nevertheless, mission accomplished! Although Borchers was forced to surround the videos with excuses, we have finally gotten the Washington Post to publish important video files of Trump impersonating a flustered general and a flustered Cruz as well as link to video footage of the non-spastic reporter. But that’s not all. As a special favor to Borchers for posting all of the evidence to WaPo readers, we’ve decided to give him one more surprise video to share at the end of this article. You’re welcome, Callum!
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