The video evidence keeps coming in and at this point it is overwhelming!
We are now going to list all of the videos below in chronological order with dates. Taken together, these videos prove two things:
First, Donald Trump’s impression of a flustered New York Times reporter is no different than his impressions of various other flustered people (including himself), none of whom are disabled. This is verified because at least two of these impersonations came before his impersonation of the reporter and another happened at the same rally. It appears this is simply the way Donald Trump has always impersonated someone who is flustered or frustrated.
Second, Trump could not have been trying to imitate the New York Times reporter’s disability, because the reporter has no such spastic disability. Instead, the reporter has a condition which prohibits movement in his arm so that it has to be held fixed and close to his chest with his wrist bent in a permanently fixed position.